Manna Monday Free Meal Program 5pm-6pm

 Our Mission:

 To extend the love of Christ to our community. Our goal is to serve those in need of physical, social and emotional support by being the hands and feet of Christ. 

Our Vision: 

Through our outreach initiatives, we will provide healthy and nutritious meals in a welcoming and respectful environment where everyone is welcome.

Our team comes together every Monday to prepare and serve a hot, nutritious meal to anyone who attends. We start serving at 5:00 PM and all are welcome. We have witnessed many people not only needing the nourishment of food, but also social contact with others.

Because of Covid in 2020, we had been only serving takeout meals. But now that the precautions have been lifted, we are trying to serve one meal per month inside. We have 3 teams of volunteers that currently rotate to help with the inside meals. The inside meals are served the last Monday of each month. We also have decided to not serve any meals on holidays that fall on a Monday or the Monday after a holiday. We have been blessed with grant money from a few local organizations, but we always welcome monetary or food donations.






Manna Monday NEEDS YOU!  We are looking for volunteers to help us prepare, package, distribute and clean up the meals that we serve each week.  Are you able to work with our team for about 2-6 hours per month?  Please consider volunteering!  Email the team at!
